Executed Projects
- Route survey of 220kv double circuit transmission line (route-II) including drawing and profile-Balco site by SIEMENS-MUMBAI. P.O NO.45257583 Dt.19.03.2004
- Erection of super structure for DA,DC& DD towers, providing and fixing of name plate, danger board, stringing ACSR conductor including fixing of insulator strings, earth wire, jumpers and shifting of material from main stores to work site- Balco site- by SIEMENS-MUMBAI. P.O NO.45267591 dt.21.05.2004
- Civil works for 220kv D/C transmission line with all material at Balco-Korba (Excluding supply of cement and steel) - Balco site - by SIEMENS - Mumbai. P.O NO. 45267576 dt.21.05.2004
- 15MW Biomass based Power Plant at Amartal-Kirarari village, Janjgir-Champa Dist., Chhattisgarh- Purchase order for supply of materials for 132kv transmission towers. -From KVK Bio-Energy PrivateLtd.-Hyderabad W.O.NO.KVK BEPL/PO/011 dt.11.12.2004.
- 15MW Biomass based power plant at Amartal-Kirari village, Janjgir-Champa Dist., Chhattisgarh- work order for erection & commissioning of transmission towers.-From KVK Bio-Energy Private Ltd.,-Hyderabad .W.O.NO.KVKBEPL/WO/012 dt.11.12.2004.
- Auxiliary Switch Yard of Transmission Line for Power Plant at MIEL-Naharpali- FROM MONNET ISPAT & ENERGY LIMITED- RAIPUR. W.O.NO.MIEL/RAIG/PUR-EL (PP)/06-7/WO/ 288 dt.31.03.2007
- Amendment order to order No.MIEL/RAIG/WO-132KV-TRANS-LINE/2006 dt.27.09.2006- for check Survey, Route alignment, Profiling, tower spotting, Excavation and construction of foundations, Un-loading, Storage and handling at site , civil work, erection and Commissioning, performance Guarantee Tests, and handing over of 132kv DCSS Transmission Line ( 7 Kmtrs. Long) for connecting Monnet Ispat & Energy Limited from Naharpali to Chaple. FROM MONNET ISPAT & ENERGY LIMITED-RAIPUR. W.O.NO. MIEL/RAIG/WO-132KV-TRANS-LINE/2006/Amend-1/480P dt.27.10.2007. (ERECTION)
- Order for supply of 132kv DCSS Transmission Line Components (7 Kmtrs. Long) for connecting Monnet Ispat & Energy Limited from Naharpali to Chaple. FROM MONNET ISPAT & ENERGY LIMITED-RAIPUR. W.O.NO. MIEL/RAIG/WO-132KV- TRANS-LINE/2006/6463 dt.27.10.2007. (SUPPLY).
- Supply of 33kv over-head line materials for their under ground Coal Mining Project at Milupara / Kondkel in Raigarh (C.G). FROM MONNET ISPAT & ENERGY LIMITED-RAIPUR. W.O.NO.MIEL/HO/PRJ/MIN/1842/PO-279/9280, dt.07.03.2008.
- Erection, Testing & commissioning of 33kv Bays / Line for their Under-ground Coal Mining Project at Kondkel, Raigarh (C.G). FROM MONNET ISPAT & ENERGY LIMITED-RAIPUR. W.O.NO.MIEL/HO/PRJ/MIN/1842/WO- 280/9281, dt.07.03.2008.
- Amendment order for detailed survey including route alignment, tower sampling and check survey for 132kv transmission line from 6.2K.Mtr. Tap line to Chaple Sub-station of CSEB.FROM MONNET ISPAT & ENERGY LIMITED- RAIPUR. W.O.NO.MIEL/RAIG/WO-132KV-TRANS-LINE/2008/1/8977 dt.12.03.2008
- Order for Supply of 132kv DCDS (Double circuit double String) Transmission Line components from existing Tower No.12 to CSEB 132/33kv Sub-station at chaple-Kharsia, Ragarh. FROM MONNET ISPAT & ENERGY LIMITED- RAIPUR. W.O.NO. MIEL/ RAIG/ WO-132KV-TRANS-LINE-CHAPLE/2008 dt.17.03.2008. (SUPPLY)
- Order for check Survey, Route alignment, Profiling, tower spotting, Excavation and construction of foundations, Un- loading, Storage and handling at site, civil work, erection and Commissioning, performance Guarantee Tests, and handing over of 132kv DCDS (Double circuit Double string) Transmission Line components from existing Tower No.12 to CSEB 132/33kv Sub-station at Chapple – Kharsia, Raigarh. FROM MONNET ISPAT & ENERGY LIMITED- RAIPUR. W.O.NO. MIEL/RAIG/WO-132KV-TRANS-LINE-CHAPLE/2008 dt. 17. 03.2008. (ERECTION)-Amendment order no.29147 dt.28. 08.2008.
- Order for Repairing of 132kv Inter connecting Line Conductor with required materials as per direction of E&I Dept. Power Plant. FROM MONNET ISPAT & ENERGY LIMITED-RAIGARH W.O.NO. NW010-00721 dt.30.10.2010.
- Change for dismantling, cutting, bending, denting and re-fixing of tower materials for ND 60+5 Mtrs. extension inside MIEL – Naharpali, Raigarh – Work Order No.: MW011-00613 dt.30.09.2011.
- Supply, Erection & commissioning including civil work, root survey of HT line, Transportation, Local Liaising & Security of line for one month after charging Works by: MIEL/Milupara/337/2012-13 dt. 19.06.2012
- Replacement of 132kv DCDS Line Existing ACSR Panther Conductor inside the plant premises Work By Monnet Ispat & Energy Limited Order No. LOI/13-14/E&I/59 dt. 29.05.2013
- Replacement of 132kv DCDS Line Existing ACSR Panther Conductor inside the plant premises Work By Monnet Ispat & Energy Limited Order No. LOI/13-14/E&I/59 dt. 29.05.2013
- Supply of hardwares for 132 kv AAAC Moose Work By Monnet ispat and Energy Limited Purchase order no. NPO13-01686 dt. 18.06.13
- Order for additional earthing towers of EHT Lines under TLM sub-division, Korba –From CSEB-BILSPUR. W.O.NO.SE/EHT /C&M/ CIRCLE/WORKS/80 dt.23.06.2004.
- Erection of super structures for ND60+10 type tower as per drawing with tightening of bolts and nuts and revetting / punching properly above 8 Mtrs. Height from ground level (Loc. No.3). from CSEb-Bilaspur.-W.O.NO.ASE/EHT- C&M/DN/Works/3202 dt.05.09.2004
- Dismantling of tower no.03 & 04 of 132kv Korba-Bango line passing over Thermal Power Project site at Korba-From CSEB-BILASPUR. W.O.NO.ASE/EHT-C&M/Dn./Works/3521 DT.09.11.2004.
- De-Stringing of 132kv Korba-Bango line passing over Thermal Power Project site Korba FROM CSEB BILASPUR. W.O.NO.ASE/ EHT-C&M/Dn./Works/3520 dt.09.11.2004.
- De-stringing, dismantling and stringing work at 220kv I/C line (Charged on 132kv line) from 100MW to 200MW PH from 2x250MW Project at Korba. From CSEB-Bilaspur W.O.No.SE/EHT-C&M/Circle/Works/442 dt..01.03.2005
- Excavation, Stub-setting, template assembly, concreting and tower erection work for 2 Nos.ND60+10 type towers near Akaltara for Rly.Crossing of 33kv Akaltara-Baloda line. FROM CSEB-BILASPUR.W.O.NO.SE/EHT- C&M/Circle/Works/312. dated 27.07.2005
- Excavation, Stub-setting and tower erection of 132kv Tower at Loc. No.01 and 02 for tap line to M/S.Arasmeta Captive Power Plant-FROM CSEB-BILASPUR. W.O.NO.SE/EHT-C&M/Circle/Works/ 547, dt.14.11.2005.
- Stone masonary work at ND60+10 type tower near Akaltara coal siding yard constructed for 33kv Akaltara-Balod feeder's & Rly.Crossing -From CSEB-Bilaspur W.O.No.SE/EHT-C&M/Circle/Works/833 DT.15.02.2006
- Welding Bolts-nuts on towers, painting and stringing for tapped 132kv DCSS line to M/S. Arasmeta Captive Power Plant. FROM CSEB-BILASPUR. W.O.NO.SE/EHT-C&M/Circle/Works/831 Dt. 15.02.2006.
- Excavation Stub-setting, concreting and erection of Loc.No.01, 04 and 05 of 132kv DCSS line to M/S. Aryan Coal Benefication Pvt. Ltd., Kasaipali from 132kv Sub-station Jamniplai Darri. FROM CSEB-BILASPUR W.O.NO.SE/EHT- C&M/Circle/works/208 dt. 28.05.2006.
- Shifting of ACSR Zebra Conductor, Erection super structures, Dismantling of A0 type tower, Stringing, De-clamping & Providing of Back stays for 220kv DCDS Korba-Amarkantak Line. FROM CSEB-BILASPUR. W.O.NO. SE/EHT- C&M/Circle/works/289 dt. 09.06.2006
- Patrolling of EHT Lines to avoid the occurrence of theft to tower parts under TLM Sub-Division, Korba. FROM CSEB- BILASPUR. W.O.NO. SE/EHT-C&M/Circle/works/603 dt. 18.08.2006.
- Patrolling of EHT Lines to avoid the occurrence of theft to tower parts under TLM Sub-Division, Korba. FROM CSEB- BILASPUR. W.O.NO. SE/EHT-C&M/Circle/works/1074 dt. 27.11.2006
- Physical checking (too patrolling) of towers on EHT lines under EHT C&M Dn.-Korba (Sub.Dn.Ambikapur). FROM CSEB- BILASPUR. W.O.NO. SE/EHT-C&M/Circle/works/1391 dt. 31.01.2007.
- Painting of towers of 132kv DCDS Tap line to Rly.Traction Belgahana. FROM CSEB-BILASPUR. W.O.NO. SE/EHT- C&M/Circle/works/178 dt. 05.05.2007
- Masonary works at Loc. No. 46 & 49 of 132kv Korba-Bango line. FROM CSEB-BILASPUR. W.O.NO. SE/EHT-C&M/ Circle/ works/176 dt. 06.05.2007
- Stringing Zebra conductor, Dismantling of ACSR Zebra Conductor, Welding of nuts and bolts, surface cleaning etc. during shut-down. FROM CSEB-BILASPUR. W.O.NO. SE/EHT-C&M/ Circle/ works/940 dt. 23.10.2007
- Excavation,Stub-setting, Tower erection, Welding and Painting of Towers of Loc. No. 01(NB60) and 02 (NB0) for diversion of 220kv Pendra Road Railway traction line at Village Jogidongari due to construction of Andul Dam. FROM CSEB-BILASPUR. W.O.NO. SE/EHT-C&M/Circle/works/369 dt. 02.01.2008
- Survey work for 6.6kv transmission line at PIL CHAMPA-W.O.NO.PIL/PROJ/E&I/2003-04 dt.19.04.2004.
- Erection, Testing & Commissioning of 132kv Transmission tower Line from 132kv Sub-station champa to their Plant. FROM PRAKASH INDUSTRIES LTD., BILASPUR. W.O.NO.PILCHP/ RRES/WO/Electrical/07-08 dt.06.08.2007
- Erection, Commissioning and dismantling of 132kv Transmission Tower Line for Diversion of 132kv DCDS Bango Manendragarh line passing through their Chotia Coal Mine.FROM PRAKASH INDUSTRIES LTD., BILASPUR. W.O.NO.PIL/BSP (M.D)/ Electrical/RRES/WO/08-09/115 dt.06.05.2008.
- Order for diversion of LT Line, (One Phase 3 wire) passing through colony of PIL, Chmapa. FROM PRAKASH INDUSTRIES LTD., BILASPUR. W.O.NO. PILCHP/ RRST/ WO/Electrical/08-09 dt.06.05.2008.
- Erection & Commissioning of 11kv Line through diverted route at Chotia Coal Mines. FROM PRAKASH INDUSTRIES LIMITED-BILASPUR. W.O.NO.PIL/BSP/Electrical/RRES/WO/2010-11/409 dt. 03.08.2010.
- Amendment order for Erection & Commissioning of 132kv Transmission tower Line from 132kv existing switchyard of Plant to New Power Plant Switch Yard. FROM PRAKASH INDUSTRIES LIMITED-BILASPUR.W.O.NO.PIL /Champa/ Electrical/RRES/ W.O / 2010-11/458 dt.28.09.2010.
- Erection and Supply of material for diversion of 11kv line at PIL Chotia Mines W.O.No. PIL/CHP/RRES/WO/DIVERSION 11KV/2012-13/78 dt. 26/06/2012
- Work order for Annual maintenance for 132kv line from Banari S/S 220/132 kv Work by Prakash Industries Limited order no. PIL/CPH/WO/132kv /13-14/147 dt. 19.06.2013
- Erection of 33 kv transmission line-Vedanta Lanjigarh-Orissa- by SIEMENS-ROURKELA OFFICE P.O NO.4500613363 dt.09.12.2005
- Maintenance of 220kv transmission line for smelter expansion project. FROM BHARAT ALUMINIUM COMPANAY LTD.- KORBA. W.O.NO.BP/SU/SR/067 dt.18.07.2005.
- Design, Engineering, Supply, Testing, Packing, Forwarding, Transportation to site and obtaining approvals from statutory authorities for the equipment required for 132kv and 6.6.kv transmission lines for their Arasmenta Captive Power Co. (P) Ltd., FROM THERMAX LIMITED-PUNE. LOI NO.CGN/PUR/ACPCPL /C023/LOI/TR dt.20.06.2005.
- Additional price towards increase in tower material by 16.60Mt for 132kv line and for 6.6kv line – by thermax Ltd., Pune. W.O.No.CGN/PUR/ACPCPL/C023/LOI/Amend-1 dt.06.03.2006.
- Purchase order for survey work for 132kv transmission line from Arasmeta Cement Plant P.O. Gopalnagar. Distt. Janjigir-Champa (C.G) sub-station to Lafarge India Pvt. Ltd., sonadih Cement Plant P.O.Raseda, via Bloda Bazaar Dist. Raipr. FROM LAFRAGE INDIA. W.O. NO.6450941 dt.24.10.2006.
- Erection & Commissioning of 132kv Transmission tower Line from 132kv sub-Station Bhendra (Gharghora) to their plant at Bhengari. FROM MAHAVIR ENERGY & COAL BENEFICATION LIMITED.-BILASPUR. W.O.NO.MECBL/BSP/BHN/07/88, dt. 01.10.2007.
- Supply for diversion of 132kv DCDS Raigarh-Champa Line of CSEB fouling with JSPL’s Ash dyke area. FROM JINDAL STEEL & POWER LIMITED (U-III). P.O No.4278005643 dt.19.02.2008.
- Dismantling and lowering down of existing DCDS line and wrapping in drums & transportation to store at Punjipatra. Stringing of DCDS line by Moose Conductor and stringing by AAAC Moose Conductor. FROM JINDAL STEEL & POWER LIMITED-RAIGARH W.O.NO. 4512501285 dt.05.10.2009.
- Re-conductoring of moose conductor Twin & Re-stringing of moose conductor- by JSPL ORDER NO.4512504802 dt.18.11.2011.
- Re-conducting of moose conductor Twin and re-stringing of moose conductor W.O.No.:4512504802 dt.18.11.2011
- Erection, Commission of 220Kv tran. Line and 132Kv trans. Line Works By Jindal Steel & Power Ltd. W.O.No. 4512505763 dt. 18.05.2012
- Supply of materials for 220KV tran. Line and 132 Kv trans. Line Works By Jindal Steel & Power Ltd. W.O.No. 4512013904 dt. 30.06.2012
- Kelo dam diversion work route survey Works By JINDAL STEELS & POWER LTD. W.O.No.4512506503 dt. 05.10.2012
- Supply of nut & bolts Works By JINDAL STEELS & POWER LTD. P.O.No.4512016151 dt. 12.01.2013
- Marking tower Profile for DCSC 132kv Transmission Line from existing tap point to Arasmenta Captive Power Company Pvt. Ltd., Plant location to Akaltara Sub-station.FROM ACPCPL-HYDERABAD W.O.NO.HC:Korba/cn/385 dt.29.04.2008
- Order for Un-loading, Installation, Testing, Pre-Commissioning, Ready for energisation and handing over of 132kv DCSS Transmission Line for M/S. Arasmenta Captive Power Company Private Limited (ACPCPL), Bilaspur district. FROM ARASMENTA CAPTIVE POWER COMPANY PRIVATE LIMITED., W.O.NO RRST, Korba/KAS/1050201/77 dt.28.09.2008 (ERECTION)
- Supply of 132kv DCSS Transmission Line related equipments for M/S.ARASMETA CAPTIVE POWER COMPANY LTD., (ACPCPL) Bilaspur district. FROM ARASMENTA CAPTIVE POWER COMPANY PRIVATE LIMITED., W.O.NO RRST, Korba/KAS/1050201/76 dt.28.09.2008
- Order for EPC based Supply & Construction of 132kv Transmission Line Permission of Electrical Inspector & Charging. FROM SHREE NAKODA ISPAT LIMITED.,-W.O.NO.SNIL/132kv/WO/08-09/001 dt.25.06.2008.
- Order for Conducting Transmission Line Survey for diversion of 220kv Transmission Line. FROM WARDHA POWER COMPANY PRIVATE LIMITED. HYDERABAD. W.O.NO. RRE/ CN/1160201/9 dt.03.01.2009
- Un-loading, Installation, Testing, Pre-commissioning, Ready for energisation and handing over of 33kv transmission line for (WPCPL)- FROM WARDHA POWER COMPANY PRIVATE LTD., HYDERAAD. W.O NO.RRES,KORBA/AKK/1160201/ 171 dt.04.03.2009.
- Order for supply of 33kv SC Transmission Line related equipments for M/S. Wardha Company Private Limited., (WPCPL)-Janjgir-Champa district. FROM WARDHA POWER COMPANY PRIVATE LTD., HYDERAAD. W.O NO.RRES,KORBA/AKK/1160201/ 170 dt.04.03.2009
- Order for Manufacture & Supply of Equipments required for construction of 132kv Transmission Line for 2x63MW S.V.Power Pvt.Ltd., at Renki Village, Korba District, Chhattisgarh-FROM S.V.POWER LIMITED-HYDERABAD. W.O.NO.SVPL/PO/09-10/026 dt.02.07.2009.
- Order for Erection, Liaisoning with CSEB, Testing & Commissioning and approvals of 132kv Double Circuit Transmission Line for 2x63MW S.V.Power Pvt. Ltd., at Renki Village, Korba Dist., and Chhattisgarh. FROM S.V.POWER LIMITED-HYDERABAD. W.O.NO.SVPL/PO/09-10/027 dt.02.07.2009.
- Supply order for 220 kv Line Tension and suspension towers NB60+ 10 Mtrs. & NB0 +5 Mtrs. With stubs for Jindal Power Ltd., Tamnar. FROM JINDAL POWER LIMITED-TMNAR P.O.NO.PO/78/0878 dt.29.03.2009.
- Order for one coat of red oxide and one coat of Aluminium paint with providing paint on 2 no. towers at river crossing of 33kv line for 1000MW Madwa TPP Village # Tendulbhata Distt..- Janjgir #Champa. FROM CSPTCL-KORBA P.O.NO.4500046632 dt. 03.10.2009
- Work Order for Execution of Foundation work of 400kv Transmission line for 400kv Transmission line for Balco , Korba project dt.13.07.2013
- Order for preliminary survey of Proposed 132kv DC Transmission Line for Evacuation of Power from proposed Mini Hydro Projects of Mahan SHP & Mahan SHP-I, II, III to the existing Mishrampur-Balrampur 132kv DC Line. FROM VENIKA HYDRO PROJECTS PVT. LTD., RAIPUR. W.O.NO. VHP/TRS/RRES/F05-01/2009-10 dt. 28.01.2010
- Order for dismantling & Construction of 132kv Diversion Line and Liaisoning works. FROM HIND INFRA STRUCTURE- RAIPUR (C.G). W.O.NO.HI/WO/RRES/10-11/021 dt.13.05.2010.
- Order for Dismantling DCSS 132kv dead line within premises of ACB (India) Ltd., Kasaipali, and Korba (C.G). FROM ACB (INDIA) LIMITED, JAWALI-KORBA. W.O.NO.ACBIL/GMP/132/KV LINE DISMANTLING/W.O.10-11/032 dt.16.05.2010
- Liaisoning of 33kv Transmission Line at their Project Plant at Paraghat, Tehsil-Masturi, Bilaspur- FROM VASUNDHARA STEEL & POWER LTD.,-RAIPUR W.O.NO.VSPLCG/30/2010/RRES/902 dt.30.06.2010.
- Liaisoning and obtaining permission / Approval for 5 MVA construction Power for DPPL Plant area from Executive Engineer and S.E Office - Korba, C.E.Office-Bilaspur and C.E and M.D. Office - Raipur along with survey and making Profile, Preparation and approval of estimate, BOQ for construction of 33kv Line fro Jamnipali 132/33kv Sub-station to DPPL Plant area. FROM DHEERU POWERGEN PRIVATE LTD., HYDERABAD. W.O. NO. DPPL/KORBA/ELE/10-11/07/47 dt. 20.07.2010.
- Finalization of contract & Advance against supply and construction of 132kv Line from Prime Ispat Limited works at Bana to CSPTCL Borjhara Sub-station Raipur. FROM PRIME ISPAT LIMITED-RAIPUR W.O.NO. –NIL- dt. 18.05.2010.
- Order for civil & Erection works of 400kv double circuit, double conductor Transmission Line from BALCO-Korba 400kv to NTPC Korba- Birsinghpur 400kv existing Line tap off point. FROM EMPOWERTRANS-BHUBANESWAR-ORISSA. W.O.NO.C/BAL/ C&E/00/W.O/RR/001 dt.03.07.2010.
- Order for Civil & Erection works of 400kv Double Circuit Double Conductor Transmission Line for Vadana Power Infratech Pvt. Ltd., from VVL 400kv Sub-station to NTPC Korba – Birsinghpur 400kv exixting line tap off point. FROM EMPOWERTRANS-BHUBANESWAR-ORISSA. W.O.NO.C/VVL/C&E/00/W.O/RR/ 001 dt. 31.12.2010.
- Supply of tower parts for 400kv gantry to vandana vidyut, Korba trough Empowertrans W.O.No. C/VVL/020/PO/S/345(Amed) dt. 16.05.2012
- Order for diversion of 132kv DCDS Korba-Mopka line Loc. No.23/11 to Loc.No.23/15 passing from the premises of SPMRPL, Korba at Kanberi Thesil Katghora Dist.Korba for route length 1.428 K.Mtrs.- SPMRPLW.O.NO.SPMRPL/CSPTCL/L-26/10. dt.23.12.2010 (56,00,000/- + 14,00,000/- SUPPLY & ERECTION JOBS).
- Order for Erection, Testing & Commissioning of 132kv Sub-station equipment at 132kv Pooling plant sub-station at Kanberi as per layout and drawing of CSPTCL. SPMRPL W.O.NO.SPMRL/S&I-132KV SUBSTN./K-3/09 dt.04.01.2011.
- Order for 132kv interconnection between 132kv pooling sub-station and 132kv power plant sub-station. W.O. No.SPMRPL/CSPTCL/L-26/11, dt. 17.02.2011 (supply + Erection) 1,900,000/-+2,00,000/-
- Order for Civil work of Plant Sub-station of 1 x 25 MW Thermal Power Plant – SPMRPL WORK ORDER NO.: SPMRL/S&I-132KV SUBSTN./K-3/10, dt.05.07.2011.
- Rectification Work of 23 Nos 132Kv isolators of 132 Kv poolin and Plant substation with supply of required materials Works By: Swastik power & Mineral resources W.O.No. SPMRPL/Isolators/K-21/10 dt. 06.07.2012
- Liasoning work with CSPTCL for 132kv Plant & Pooling substation Works By SPMRPL PO. SPMRPL/CSPTCL/L-26 Dt. 27.02.2013
- Supply of materials required for 132KV sub-station equipment for poolin and plant substation at kanberi Works By SPMRPL PO. SPMRPL/S&I-132KV SUBSTN/K-3/09(i) Dt. 28.02.2013
- Survey work for 32 Kmtrs. Over-head Line. BITC WORK ORDER NO.:BITC/11-12/D-416/83, dt.30.06.2011.
- Civil foundation works for 400kv D/C transmission line of 2 x 600MW KWPCL Raigarh Project – through Hythro Power Corporation Ltd., W.O.No.:HPCL/KORBA/WO/001, and dt.17.01.2012.
- Supply of tower materials for 132kv diversion line. BY Nakkipur Infracture & Develpoers pvt. Ltd., - Bilaspur W.o.No.;NIPL/2010-11/020 dt.13.05.2010.
- Execution 11kv Twin Zebra Single Circuit line Erection on 132 KV ND series tower – MSP Steels and Power Ltd Dated 26.04.2012 W.O.No. Nill
- supply of support structures to JPL Works By REEP Industries Pvt. Ltd. W.O.No. 4500005558 dt.27.08.2012
- Installation & commissioning of DG set Works By Adani mining pvt. Ltd. S.O.No.5700079428 dt. 04.10.2012
- Supply of materials Works By Adani mining pvt. Ltd. S.O.No.5700097737 dt. 04.10.2012
- Installation & commissioning of DG set Works By Adani mining pvt. Ltd. S.O.No.5700079477 dt. 05.10.2012
- 132 Kv power Line Survey Works By Adani mining pvt. Ltd. S.O.No.5700082438 dt. 26.11.2012
- Supply of materials for 33kv line Works By Adani mining pvt. Ltd. S.O.No.4500116478 dt. 25.03.2013
- Erection of Materials supplied order 4500116478 dt. 25.03.2013 Works By Adani mining pvt. Ltd. S.O.No.5700091331 dt. 25.03.2013
- Supply of AB Switch for 33KV Work By Adani Mining Pvt. Ltd. Order No. 4500124480 dated 18.06.2013
- Modification of 220kv Korba – Vishrampur(under construction) infringing with newly proposed broad guage Rly.Line of M/s Adani Minning Pvt (Ltd) Bilaspur having R.L.0.318K.M dt 05.07.2013
- Supply of fabricated steel Works By ALSTOM T & D India Ltd. W.O.No. 5427-4500581270 dt 05.08.2012
- Supply of foundation bolts Works By ALSTOM T & D India Ltd. W.O.No. 5427-4500581270 dt 05.08.2012
- Supply & construction of 1nos. DN0+9mtr. Tower Works By HIRA STEELS LIMITED WO. No. HSL/0010/12-13 dt. 31.12.12
- Supply of BN 60 Type tower Stubs & Cleats Plate for 220KV Line Works By EBPL Ventures Pvt. Ltd. (Eskay Builders) PO. EBPL/RRES/LIPL/2013-14/PO/01 dt. 04.04.13
- Shifting of 132KV SECL- Gevra Presently taping from 132kv korba- jamnipali - bango line from location no 51-52 to proposed 220/132kv s/s chhuri on labour contract basis Works By CSPTCL Raipur WO.No. CE/EHT-C&M/WORKS/TR-139/1012 dt. 6.4.13
- Supply of Materials Required for 132 KV & 220 KV Line Shifting , Surjpur Works By Adani, Sarguja Rail Corridor Pvt. Ltd. PO. No. 4500117528 dt. 08.04.2013
- Erection Testing Commisioning , Transportation for 132 KV & 220 KV Line Shifting , Surjpur Works By Adani, Sarguja Rail Corridor Pvt. Ltd. SO. No. 5700092366 dt. 08.04.2013
- Erection & Transportation of ERS for 132 KV & 220 KV Line Shifting , Surjpur Works By Adani, Sarguja Rail Corridor Pvt. Ltd. SO. No. 5700093808 dt. 25.04.2013
- Order for fitting welding of steel Members for stolen earlier for one no. ND 60 tower at railway crossing near village Uchdih under Surajpur work By CSPDCL Ambikapur Order No. CE/AR/PUR/ORD/495 dt. 1.6.13
- Design & Engineering,Supply,Erection,Installation,end termination and connection,Testing&Commissioning of Double circuit 33kv OHTL withy AAAC conductor on 132kv tower support for Dipka OCP and Gevra OCP –SECL NIT No.425 dated 28.02.2012
- Construction of 132KV DCSS transmission line for evacuation of power from 30MW ACME Solar Power Project at Village –Bhikapali ,District-Mahasamund in (C.G).
- Route survey of 220kv double circuit transmission line (route-II) including drawing and profile-Balco site by SIEMENS-MUMBAI. P.O NO.45257583 Dt.19.03.2004
- Erection of super structure for DA,DC& DD towers, providing and fixing of name plate, danger board, stringing ACSR conductor including fixing of insulator strings, earth wire, jumpers and shifting of material from main stores to work site- Balco site- by SIEMENS-MUMBAI. P.O NO.45267591 dt.21.05.2004
- Civil works for 220kv D/C transmission line with all material at Balco-Korba (Excluding supply of cement and steel) - Balco site - by SIEMENS - Mumbai. P.O NO. 45267576 dt.21.05.2004
- 15MW Biomass based Power Plant at Amartal-Kirarari village, Janjgir-Champa Dist., Chhattisgarh- Purchase order for supply of materials for 132kv transmission towers. -From KVK Bio-Energy PrivateLtd.-Hyderabad W.O.NO.KVK BEPL/PO/011 dt.11.12.2004.
- 15MW Biomass based power plant at Amartal-Kirari village, Janjgir-Champa Dist., Chhattisgarh- work order for erection & commissioning of transmission towers.-From KVK Bio-Energy Private Ltd.,-Hyderabad .W.O.NO.KVKBEPL/WO/012 dt.11.12.2004.
- Auxiliary Switch Yard of Transmission Line for Power Plant at MIEL-Naharpali- FROM MONNET ISPAT & ENERGY LIMITED- RAIPUR. W.O.NO.MIEL/RAIG/PUR-EL (PP)/06-7/WO/ 288 dt.31.03.2007
- Amendment order to order No.MIEL/RAIG/WO-132KV-TRANS-LINE/2006 dt.27.09.2006- for check Survey, Route alignment, Profiling, tower spotting, Excavation and construction of foundations, Un-loading, Storage and handling at site , civil work, erection and Commissioning, performance Guarantee Tests, and handing over of 132kv DCSS Transmission Line ( 7 Kmtrs. Long) for connecting Monnet Ispat & Energy Limited from Naharpali to Chaple. FROM MONNET ISPAT & ENERGY LIMITED-RAIPUR. W.O.NO. MIEL/RAIG/WO-132KV-TRANS-LINE/2006/Amend-1/480P dt.27.10.2007. (ERECTION)
- Order for supply of 132kv DCSS Transmission Line Components (7 Kmtrs. Long) for connecting Monnet Ispat & Energy Limited from Naharpali to Chaple. FROM MONNET ISPAT & ENERGY LIMITED-RAIPUR. W.O.NO. MIEL/RAIG/WO-132KV- TRANS-LINE/2006/6463 dt.27.10.2007. (SUPPLY).
- Supply of 33kv over-head line materials for their under ground Coal Mining Project at Milupara / Kondkel in Raigarh (C.G). FROM MONNET ISPAT & ENERGY LIMITED-RAIPUR. W.O.NO.MIEL/HO/PRJ/MIN/1842/PO-279/9280, dt.07.03.2008.
- Erection, Testing & commissioning of 33kv Bays / Line for their Under-ground Coal Mining Project at Kondkel, Raigarh (C.G). FROM MONNET ISPAT & ENERGY LIMITED-RAIPUR. W.O.NO.MIEL/HO/PRJ/MIN/1842/WO- 280/9281, dt.07.03.2008.
- Amendment order for detailed survey including route alignment, tower sampling and check survey for 132kv transmission line from 6.2K.Mtr. Tap line to Chaple Sub-station of CSEB.FROM MONNET ISPAT & ENERGY LIMITED- RAIPUR. W.O.NO.MIEL/RAIG/WO-132KV-TRANS-LINE/2008/1/8977 dt.12.03.2008
- Order for Supply of 132kv DCDS (Double circuit double String) Transmission Line components from existing Tower No.12 to CSEB 132/33kv Sub-station at chaple-Kharsia, Ragarh. FROM MONNET ISPAT & ENERGY LIMITED- RAIPUR. W.O.NO. MIEL/ RAIG/ WO-132KV-TRANS-LINE-CHAPLE/2008 dt.17.03.2008. (SUPPLY)
- Order for check Survey, Route alignment, Profiling, tower spotting, Excavation and construction of foundations, Un- loading, Storage and handling at site, civil work, erection and Commissioning, performance Guarantee Tests, and handing over of 132kv DCDS (Double circuit Double string) Transmission Line components from existing Tower No.12 to CSEB 132/33kv Sub-station at Chapple – Kharsia, Raigarh. FROM MONNET ISPAT & ENERGY LIMITED- RAIPUR. W.O.NO. MIEL/RAIG/WO-132KV-TRANS-LINE-CHAPLE/2008 dt. 17. 03.2008. (ERECTION)-Amendment order no.29147 dt.28. 08.2008.
- Order for Repairing of 132kv Inter connecting Line Conductor with required materials as per direction of E&I Dept. Power Plant. FROM MONNET ISPAT & ENERGY LIMITED-RAIGARH W.O.NO. NW010-00721 dt.30.10.2010.
- Change for dismantling, cutting, bending, denting and re-fixing of tower materials for ND 60+5 Mtrs. extension inside MIEL – Naharpali, Raigarh – Work Order No.: MW011-00613 dt.30.09.2011.
- Supply, Erection & commissioning including civil work, root survey of HT line, Transportation, Local Liaising & Security of line for one month after charging Works by: MIEL/Milupara/337/2012-13 dt. 19.06.2012
- Replacement of 132kv DCDS Line Existing ACSR Panther Conductor inside the plant premises Work By Monnet Ispat & Energy Limited Order No. LOI/13-14/E&I/59 dt. 29.05.2013
- Replacement of 132kv DCDS Line Existing ACSR Panther Conductor inside the plant premises Work By Monnet Ispat & Energy Limited Order No. LOI/13-14/E&I/59 dt. 29.05.2013
- Supply of hardwares for 132 kv AAAC Moose Work By Monnet ispat and Energy Limited Purchase order no. NPO13-01686 dt. 18.06.13
- Order for additional earthing towers of EHT Lines under TLM sub-division, Korba –From CSEB-BILSPUR. W.O.NO.SE/EHT /C&M/ CIRCLE/WORKS/80 dt.23.06.2004.
- Erection of super structures for ND60+10 type tower as per drawing with tightening of bolts and nuts and revetting / punching properly above 8 Mtrs. Height from ground level (Loc. No.3). from CSEb-Bilaspur.-W.O.NO.ASE/EHT- C&M/DN/Works/3202 dt.05.09.2004
- Dismantling of tower no.03 & 04 of 132kv Korba-Bango line passing over Thermal Power Project site at Korba-From CSEB-BILASPUR. W.O.NO.ASE/EHT-C&M/Dn./Works/3521 DT.09.11.2004.
- De-Stringing of 132kv Korba-Bango line passing over Thermal Power Project site Korba FROM CSEB BILASPUR. W.O.NO.ASE/ EHT-C&M/Dn./Works/3520 dt.09.11.2004.
- De-stringing, dismantling and stringing work at 220kv I/C line (Charged on 132kv line) from 100MW to 200MW PH from 2x250MW Project at Korba. From CSEB-Bilaspur W.O.No.SE/EHT-C&M/Circle/Works/442 dt..01.03.2005
- Excavation, Stub-setting, template assembly, concreting and tower erection work for 2 Nos.ND60+10 type towers near Akaltara for Rly.Crossing of 33kv Akaltara-Baloda line. FROM CSEB-BILASPUR.W.O.NO.SE/EHT- C&M/Circle/Works/312. dated 27.07.2005
- Excavation, Stub-setting and tower erection of 132kv Tower at Loc. No.01 and 02 for tap line to M/S.Arasmeta Captive Power Plant-FROM CSEB-BILASPUR. W.O.NO.SE/EHT-C&M/Circle/Works/ 547, dt.14.11.2005.
- Stone masonary work at ND60+10 type tower near Akaltara coal siding yard constructed for 33kv Akaltara-Balod feeder's & Rly.Crossing -From CSEB-Bilaspur W.O.No.SE/EHT-C&M/Circle/Works/833 DT.15.02.2006
- Welding Bolts-nuts on towers, painting and stringing for tapped 132kv DCSS line to M/S. Arasmeta Captive Power Plant. FROM CSEB-BILASPUR. W.O.NO.SE/EHT-C&M/Circle/Works/831 Dt. 15.02.2006.
- Excavation Stub-setting, concreting and erection of Loc.No.01, 04 and 05 of 132kv DCSS line to M/S. Aryan Coal Benefication Pvt. Ltd., Kasaipali from 132kv Sub-station Jamniplai Darri. FROM CSEB-BILASPUR W.O.NO.SE/EHT- C&M/Circle/works/208 dt. 28.05.2006.
- Shifting of ACSR Zebra Conductor, Erection super structures, Dismantling of A0 type tower, Stringing, De-clamping & Providing of Back stays for 220kv DCDS Korba-Amarkantak Line. FROM CSEB-BILASPUR. W.O.NO. SE/EHT- C&M/Circle/works/289 dt. 09.06.2006
- Patrolling of EHT Lines to avoid the occurrence of theft to tower parts under TLM Sub-Division, Korba. FROM CSEB- BILASPUR. W.O.NO. SE/EHT-C&M/Circle/works/603 dt. 18.08.2006.
- Patrolling of EHT Lines to avoid the occurrence of theft to tower parts under TLM Sub-Division, Korba. FROM CSEB- BILASPUR. W.O.NO. SE/EHT-C&M/Circle/works/1074 dt. 27.11.2006
- Physical checking (too patrolling) of towers on EHT lines under EHT C&M Dn.-Korba (Sub.Dn.Ambikapur). FROM CSEB- BILASPUR. W.O.NO. SE/EHT-C&M/Circle/works/1391 dt. 31.01.2007.
- Painting of towers of 132kv DCDS Tap line to Rly.Traction Belgahana. FROM CSEB-BILASPUR. W.O.NO. SE/EHT- C&M/Circle/works/178 dt. 05.05.2007
- Masonary works at Loc. No. 46 & 49 of 132kv Korba-Bango line. FROM CSEB-BILASPUR. W.O.NO. SE/EHT-C&M/ Circle/ works/176 dt. 06.05.2007
- Stringing Zebra conductor, Dismantling of ACSR Zebra Conductor, Welding of nuts and bolts, surface cleaning etc. during shut-down. FROM CSEB-BILASPUR. W.O.NO. SE/EHT-C&M/ Circle/ works/940 dt. 23.10.2007
- Excavation,Stub-setting, Tower erection, Welding and Painting of Towers of Loc. No. 01(NB60) and 02 (NB0) for diversion of 220kv Pendra Road Railway traction line at Village Jogidongari due to construction of Andul Dam. FROM CSEB-BILASPUR. W.O.NO. SE/EHT-C&M/Circle/works/369 dt. 02.01.2008
- Survey work for 6.6kv transmission line at PIL CHAMPA-W.O.NO.PIL/PROJ/E&I/2003-04 dt.19.04.2004.
- Erection, Testing & Commissioning of 132kv Transmission tower Line from 132kv Sub-station champa to their Plant. FROM PRAKASH INDUSTRIES LTD., BILASPUR. W.O.NO.PILCHP/ RRES/WO/Electrical/07-08 dt.06.08.2007
- Erection, Commissioning and dismantling of 132kv Transmission Tower Line for Diversion of 132kv DCDS Bango Manendragarh line passing through their Chotia Coal Mine.FROM PRAKASH INDUSTRIES LTD., BILASPUR. W.O.NO.PIL/BSP (M.D)/ Electrical/RRES/WO/08-09/115 dt.06.05.2008.
- Order for diversion of LT Line, (One Phase 3 wire) passing through colony of PIL, Chmapa. FROM PRAKASH INDUSTRIES LTD., BILASPUR. W.O.NO. PILCHP/ RRST/ WO/Electrical/08-09 dt.06.05.2008.
- Erection & Commissioning of 11kv Line through diverted route at Chotia Coal Mines. FROM PRAKASH INDUSTRIES LIMITED-BILASPUR. W.O.NO.PIL/BSP/Electrical/RRES/WO/2010-11/409 dt. 03.08.2010.
- Amendment order for Erection & Commissioning of 132kv Transmission tower Line from 132kv existing switchyard of Plant to New Power Plant Switch Yard. FROM PRAKASH INDUSTRIES LIMITED-BILASPUR.W.O.NO.PIL /Champa/ Electrical/RRES/ W.O / 2010-11/458 dt.28.09.2010.
- Erection and Supply of material for diversion of 11kv line at PIL Chotia Mines W.O.No. PIL/CHP/RRES/WO/DIVERSION 11KV/2012-13/78 dt. 26/06/2012
- Work order for Annual maintenance for 132kv line from Banari S/S 220/132 kv Work by Prakash Industries Limited order no. PIL/CPH/WO/132kv /13-14/147 dt. 19.06.2013
- Erection of 33 kv transmission line-Vedanta Lanjigarh-Orissa- by SIEMENS-ROURKELA OFFICE P.O NO.4500613363 dt.09.12.2005
- Maintenance of 220kv transmission line for smelter expansion project. FROM BHARAT ALUMINIUM COMPANAY LTD.- KORBA. W.O.NO.BP/SU/SR/067 dt.18.07.2005.
- Design, Engineering, Supply, Testing, Packing, Forwarding, Transportation to site and obtaining approvals from statutory authorities for the equipment required for 132kv and 6.6.kv transmission lines for their Arasmenta Captive Power Co. (P) Ltd., FROM THERMAX LIMITED-PUNE. LOI NO.CGN/PUR/ACPCPL /C023/LOI/TR dt.20.06.2005.
- Additional price towards increase in tower material by 16.60Mt for 132kv line and for 6.6kv line – by thermax Ltd., Pune. W.O.No.CGN/PUR/ACPCPL/C023/LOI/Amend-1 dt.06.03.2006.
- Purchase order for survey work for 132kv transmission line from Arasmeta Cement Plant P.O. Gopalnagar. Distt. Janjigir-Champa (C.G) sub-station to Lafarge India Pvt. Ltd., sonadih Cement Plant P.O.Raseda, via Bloda Bazaar Dist. Raipr. FROM LAFRAGE INDIA. W.O. NO.6450941 dt.24.10.2006.
- Erection & Commissioning of 132kv Transmission tower Line from 132kv sub-Station Bhendra (Gharghora) to their plant at Bhengari. FROM MAHAVIR ENERGY & COAL BENEFICATION LIMITED.-BILASPUR. W.O.NO.MECBL/BSP/BHN/07/88, dt. 01.10.2007.
- Supply for diversion of 132kv DCDS Raigarh-Champa Line of CSEB fouling with JSPL’s Ash dyke area. FROM JINDAL STEEL & POWER LIMITED (U-III). P.O No.4278005643 dt.19.02.2008.
- Dismantling and lowering down of existing DCDS line and wrapping in drums & transportation to store at Punjipatra. Stringing of DCDS line by Moose Conductor and stringing by AAAC Moose Conductor. FROM JINDAL STEEL & POWER LIMITED-RAIGARH W.O.NO. 4512501285 dt.05.10.2009.
- Re-conductoring of moose conductor Twin & Re-stringing of moose conductor- by JSPL ORDER NO.4512504802 dt.18.11.2011.
- Re-conducting of moose conductor Twin and re-stringing of moose conductor W.O.No.:4512504802 dt.18.11.2011
- Erection, Commission of 220Kv tran. Line and 132Kv trans. Line Works By Jindal Steel & Power Ltd. W.O.No. 4512505763 dt. 18.05.2012
- Supply of materials for 220KV tran. Line and 132 Kv trans. Line Works By Jindal Steel & Power Ltd. W.O.No. 4512013904 dt. 30.06.2012
- Kelo dam diversion work route survey Works By JINDAL STEELS & POWER LTD. W.O.No.4512506503 dt. 05.10.2012
- Supply of nut & bolts Works By JINDAL STEELS & POWER LTD. P.O.No.4512016151 dt. 12.01.2013
- Marking tower Profile for DCSC 132kv Transmission Line from existing tap point to Arasmenta Captive Power Company Pvt. Ltd., Plant location to Akaltara Sub-station.FROM ACPCPL-HYDERABAD W.O.NO.HC:Korba/cn/385 dt.29.04.2008
- Order for Un-loading, Installation, Testing, Pre-Commissioning, Ready for energisation and handing over of 132kv DCSS Transmission Line for M/S. Arasmenta Captive Power Company Private Limited (ACPCPL), Bilaspur district. FROM ARASMENTA CAPTIVE POWER COMPANY PRIVATE LIMITED., W.O.NO RRST, Korba/KAS/1050201/77 dt.28.09.2008 (ERECTION)
- Supply of 132kv DCSS Transmission Line related equipments for M/S.ARASMETA CAPTIVE POWER COMPANY LTD., (ACPCPL) Bilaspur district. FROM ARASMENTA CAPTIVE POWER COMPANY PRIVATE LIMITED., W.O.NO RRST, Korba/KAS/1050201/76 dt.28.09.2008
- Order for EPC based Supply & Construction of 132kv Transmission Line Permission of Electrical Inspector & Charging. FROM SHREE NAKODA ISPAT LIMITED.,-W.O.NO.SNIL/132kv/WO/08-09/001 dt.25.06.2008.
- Order for Conducting Transmission Line Survey for diversion of 220kv Transmission Line. FROM WARDHA POWER COMPANY PRIVATE LIMITED. HYDERABAD. W.O.NO. RRE/ CN/1160201/9 dt.03.01.2009
- Un-loading, Installation, Testing, Pre-commissioning, Ready for energisation and handing over of 33kv transmission line for (WPCPL)- FROM WARDHA POWER COMPANY PRIVATE LTD., HYDERAAD. W.O NO.RRES,KORBA/AKK/1160201/ 171 dt.04.03.2009.
- Order for supply of 33kv SC Transmission Line related equipments for M/S. Wardha Company Private Limited., (WPCPL)-Janjgir-Champa district. FROM WARDHA POWER COMPANY PRIVATE LTD., HYDERAAD. W.O NO.RRES,KORBA/AKK/1160201/ 170 dt.04.03.2009
- Order for Manufacture & Supply of Equipments required for construction of 132kv Transmission Line for 2x63MW S.V.Power Pvt.Ltd., at Renki Village, Korba District, Chhattisgarh-FROM S.V.POWER LIMITED-HYDERABAD. W.O.NO.SVPL/PO/09-10/026 dt.02.07.2009.
- Order for Erection, Liaisoning with CSEB, Testing & Commissioning and approvals of 132kv Double Circuit Transmission Line for 2x63MW S.V.Power Pvt. Ltd., at Renki Village, Korba Dist., and Chhattisgarh. FROM S.V.POWER LIMITED-HYDERABAD. W.O.NO.SVPL/PO/09-10/027 dt.02.07.2009.
- Supply order for 220 kv Line Tension and suspension towers NB60+ 10 Mtrs. & NB0 +5 Mtrs. With stubs for Jindal Power Ltd., Tamnar. FROM JINDAL POWER LIMITED-TMNAR P.O.NO.PO/78/0878 dt.29.03.2009.
- Order for one coat of red oxide and one coat of Aluminium paint with providing paint on 2 no. towers at river crossing of 33kv line for 1000MW Madwa TPP Village # Tendulbhata Distt..- Janjgir #Champa. FROM CSPTCL-KORBA P.O.NO.4500046632 dt. 03.10.2009
- Work Order for Execution of Foundation work of 400kv Transmission line for 400kv Transmission line for Balco , Korba project dt.13.07.2013
- Order for preliminary survey of Proposed 132kv DC Transmission Line for Evacuation of Power from proposed Mini Hydro Projects of Mahan SHP & Mahan SHP-I, II, III to the existing Mishrampur-Balrampur 132kv DC Line. FROM VENIKA HYDRO PROJECTS PVT. LTD., RAIPUR. W.O.NO. VHP/TRS/RRES/F05-01/2009-10 dt. 28.01.2010
- Order for dismantling & Construction of 132kv Diversion Line and Liaisoning works. FROM HIND INFRA STRUCTURE- RAIPUR (C.G). W.O.NO.HI/WO/RRES/10-11/021 dt.13.05.2010.
- Order for Dismantling DCSS 132kv dead line within premises of ACB (India) Ltd., Kasaipali, and Korba (C.G). FROM ACB (INDIA) LIMITED, JAWALI-KORBA. W.O.NO.ACBIL/GMP/132/KV LINE DISMANTLING/W.O.10-11/032 dt.16.05.2010
- Liaisoning of 33kv Transmission Line at their Project Plant at Paraghat, Tehsil-Masturi, Bilaspur- FROM VASUNDHARA STEEL & POWER LTD.,-RAIPUR W.O.NO.VSPLCG/30/2010/RRES/902 dt.30.06.2010.
- Liaisoning and obtaining permission / Approval for 5 MVA construction Power for DPPL Plant area from Executive Engineer and S.E Office - Korba, C.E.Office-Bilaspur and C.E and M.D. Office - Raipur along with survey and making Profile, Preparation and approval of estimate, BOQ for construction of 33kv Line fro Jamnipali 132/33kv Sub-station to DPPL Plant area. FROM DHEERU POWERGEN PRIVATE LTD., HYDERABAD. W.O. NO. DPPL/KORBA/ELE/10-11/07/47 dt. 20.07.2010.
- Finalization of contract & Advance against supply and construction of 132kv Line from Prime Ispat Limited works at Bana to CSPTCL Borjhara Sub-station Raipur. FROM PRIME ISPAT LIMITED-RAIPUR W.O.NO. –NIL- dt. 18.05.2010.
- Order for civil & Erection works of 400kv double circuit, double conductor Transmission Line from BALCO-Korba 400kv to NTPC Korba- Birsinghpur 400kv existing Line tap off point. FROM EMPOWERTRANS-BHUBANESWAR-ORISSA. W.O.NO.C/BAL/ C&E/00/W.O/RR/001 dt.03.07.2010.
- Order for Civil & Erection works of 400kv Double Circuit Double Conductor Transmission Line for Vadana Power Infratech Pvt. Ltd., from VVL 400kv Sub-station to NTPC Korba – Birsinghpur 400kv exixting line tap off point. FROM EMPOWERTRANS-BHUBANESWAR-ORISSA. W.O.NO.C/VVL/C&E/00/W.O/RR/ 001 dt. 31.12.2010.
- Supply of tower parts for 400kv gantry to vandana vidyut, Korba trough Empowertrans W.O.No. C/VVL/020/PO/S/345(Amed) dt. 16.05.2012
- Order for diversion of 132kv DCDS Korba-Mopka line Loc. No.23/11 to Loc.No.23/15 passing from the premises of SPMRPL, Korba at Kanberi Thesil Katghora Dist.Korba for route length 1.428 K.Mtrs.- SPMRPLW.O.NO.SPMRPL/CSPTCL/L-26/10. dt.23.12.2010 (56,00,000/- + 14,00,000/- SUPPLY & ERECTION JOBS).
- Order for Erection, Testing & Commissioning of 132kv Sub-station equipment at 132kv Pooling plant sub-station at Kanberi as per layout and drawing of CSPTCL. SPMRPL W.O.NO.SPMRL/S&I-132KV SUBSTN./K-3/09 dt.04.01.2011.
- Order for 132kv interconnection between 132kv pooling sub-station and 132kv power plant sub-station. W.O. No.SPMRPL/CSPTCL/L-26/11, dt. 17.02.2011 (supply + Erection) 1,900,000/-+2,00,000/-
- Order for Civil work of Plant Sub-station of 1 x 25 MW Thermal Power Plant – SPMRPL WORK ORDER NO.: SPMRL/S&I-132KV SUBSTN./K-3/10, dt.05.07.2011.
- Rectification Work of 23 Nos 132Kv isolators of 132 Kv poolin and Plant substation with supply of required materials Works By: Swastik power & Mineral resources W.O.No. SPMRPL/Isolators/K-21/10 dt. 06.07.2012
- Liasoning work with CSPTCL for 132kv Plant & Pooling substation Works By SPMRPL PO. SPMRPL/CSPTCL/L-26 Dt. 27.02.2013
- Supply of materials required for 132KV sub-station equipment for poolin and plant substation at kanberi Works By SPMRPL PO. SPMRPL/S&I-132KV SUBSTN/K-3/09(i) Dt. 28.02.2013
- Survey work for 32 Kmtrs. Over-head Line. BITC WORK ORDER NO.:BITC/11-12/D-416/83, dt.30.06.2011.
- Civil foundation works for 400kv D/C transmission line of 2 x 600MW KWPCL Raigarh Project – through Hythro Power Corporation Ltd., W.O.No.:HPCL/KORBA/WO/001, and dt.17.01.2012.
- Supply of tower materials for 132kv diversion line. BY Nakkipur Infracture & Develpoers pvt. Ltd., - Bilaspur W.o.No.;NIPL/2010-11/020 dt.13.05.2010.
- Execution 11kv Twin Zebra Single Circuit line Erection on 132 KV ND series tower – MSP Steels and Power Ltd Dated 26.04.2012 W.O.No. Nill
- supply of support structures to JPL Works By REEP Industries Pvt. Ltd. W.O.No. 4500005558 dt.27.08.2012
- Installation & commissioning of DG set Works By Adani mining pvt. Ltd. S.O.No.5700079428 dt. 04.10.2012
- Supply of materials Works By Adani mining pvt. Ltd. S.O.No.5700097737 dt. 04.10.2012
- Installation & commissioning of DG set Works By Adani mining pvt. Ltd. S.O.No.5700079477 dt. 05.10.2012
- 132 Kv power Line Survey Works By Adani mining pvt. Ltd. S.O.No.5700082438 dt. 26.11.2012
- Supply of materials for 33kv line Works By Adani mining pvt. Ltd. S.O.No.4500116478 dt. 25.03.2013
- Erection of Materials supplied order 4500116478 dt. 25.03.2013 Works By Adani mining pvt. Ltd. S.O.No.5700091331 dt. 25.03.2013
- Supply of AB Switch for 33KV Work By Adani Mining Pvt. Ltd. Order No. 4500124480 dated 18.06.2013
- Modification of 220kv Korba – Vishrampur(under construction) infringing with newly proposed broad guage Rly.Line of M/s Adani Minning Pvt (Ltd) Bilaspur having R.L.0.318K.M dt 05.07.2013
- Supply of fabricated steel Works By ALSTOM T & D India Ltd. W.O.No. 5427-4500581270 dt 05.08.2012
- Supply of foundation bolts Works By ALSTOM T & D India Ltd. W.O.No. 5427-4500581270 dt 05.08.2012
- Supply & construction of 1nos. DN0+9mtr. Tower Works By HIRA STEELS LIMITED WO. No. HSL/0010/12-13 dt. 31.12.12
- Supply of BN 60 Type tower Stubs & Cleats Plate for 220KV Line Works By EBPL Ventures Pvt. Ltd. (Eskay Builders) PO. EBPL/RRES/LIPL/2013-14/PO/01 dt. 04.04.13
- Shifting of 132KV SECL- Gevra Presently taping from 132kv korba- jamnipali - bango line from location no 51-52 to proposed 220/132kv s/s chhuri on labour contract basis Works By CSPTCL Raipur WO.No. CE/EHT-C&M/WORKS/TR-139/1012 dt. 6.4.13
- Supply of Materials Required for 132 KV & 220 KV Line Shifting , Surjpur Works By Adani, Sarguja Rail Corridor Pvt. Ltd. PO. No. 4500117528 dt. 08.04.2013
- Erection Testing Commisioning , Transportation for 132 KV & 220 KV Line Shifting , Surjpur Works By Adani, Sarguja Rail Corridor Pvt. Ltd. SO. No. 5700092366 dt. 08.04.2013
- Erection & Transportation of ERS for 132 KV & 220 KV Line Shifting , Surjpur Works By Adani, Sarguja Rail Corridor Pvt. Ltd. SO. No. 5700093808 dt. 25.04.2013
- Order for fitting welding of steel Members for stolen earlier for one no. ND 60 tower at railway crossing near village Uchdih under Surajpur work By CSPDCL Ambikapur Order No. CE/AR/PUR/ORD/495 dt. 1.6.13
- Design & Engineering,Supply,Erection,Installation,end termination and connection,Testing&Commissioning of Double circuit 33kv OHTL withy AAAC conductor on 132kv tower support for Dipka OCP and Gevra OCP –SECL NIT No.425 dated 28.02.2012
- Construction of 132KV DCSS transmission line for evacuation of power from 30MW ACME Solar Power Project at Village –Bhikapali ,District-Mahasamund in (C.G).